Every second a man is dissatisfied with the size of his penis, or carefully hidden. A penis over 13cm is considered normal, but many men don't even look at the official data, but do everything they can to try to increase the size of the organ on their own, and some even decide to have surgery. There are ways to increase your body by 5cm, But for that you need to work hard.
How penis enlargement works
To understand if you can enlarge your penis by 2cm or more, you need to understand how the body works in general. The penis itself is two corpora cavernosa, and beneath them is an unpaired corpus cavernosum. The corpus cavernosum is densely surrounded by a protein membrane that stretches to its limit during erection. That's why it simply cannot lift, stretch it in some way.
Online stores now sell a wide variety of devices that promise to increase penis growth by as much as 10cm or even 20cm in just a few days, while the penis seems to grow right before our eyes - both in length and volume. All this is nonsense, the penis cannot be enlarged with the help of the device for a long time.
The surest way to enlarge your penis by 2 seconds or 3 centimeters is to go to the clinic for a penile prosthesis. It's an expensive surgery, and it's very dangerous - with all kinds of complications that can occur.
Another procedure that can be performed in the clinic is hyaluronic acid injections. This injection also increases the volume and length of the penis by 6 cm or 9 cm. The results of the process last for at least one year and then have to be repeated.
increase at home
Adding members to the house for a long time will not work. With the help of special equipment, you can achieve certain results. But all of this has short-term effects.
Advertisements for vacuum pumps on the Internet are now common. With this device, it is possible to increase the size by a few centimeters, but for a short time. Extenders have the same effect.

Another technique with very short effect is special massage. It's called jelqing (or masturbation). Massage should be done a few hours before intercourse as its effects only last 5-6 hours. Some argue that if you massage regularly every day, you can add a few centimeters of dignity within a few months. Perfect for teens and those on a budget.
This technique is also called milking because the movement is similar to milking. To increase the effect of the massage, you must use a special lubricant. A "dry" massage is also acceptable, but in this case there is a high risk of injuring yourself. Massage improves blood circulation, which is what causes penis enlargement. When blood circulation returns to normal, the organ returns to its previous size. The effectiveness and complete reliability of this technique have not been studied.
Another technique for penis enlargement at home is Kegel exercises. Such exercises should be performed on a regular basis, and then the results will be apparent, albeit rarely. The essence of Kegel exercises is to build muscle, and you can perform them at your convenience. You can even increase potency if you exercise regularly.
The most effective way to enlarge the penis at home without surgery and untested methods is to use a special nozzle. Nozzles can be purchased in specialized stores; large quantities of nozzles are produced - for different lengths and thicknesses. You can choose a relief nozzle with pimples. It's easy and simple to use and can even give partners new, unforgettable impressions. With the help of the nozzle, you can really increase your body to the desired size while being absolutely safe and effective.
Name | efficiency |
vacuum pump | 6/10 |
Jie Qing | 3/10 |
Kegel exercises | 3/10 |
nozzle | 8/10 |
Vaseline | 5/10 |
inefficient method
Now, with the help of advertisements, various products are being promoted, including methods for penis enlargement. Various gels and ointments for at-home penis enlargement, as well as pills containing hormones, have received positive publicity. The ad promises that it's worth applying a magic ointment to your genitals every day, and it will start growing right before your eyes. The same goes for tablets. In their composition, such drugs contain testosterone, so the penis starts to grow.
Actually it's all a lie, it's nothing more than a simple publicity stunt, it's just that some men believe it and take advantage of it. Creams and pills that contain hormones are not only ineffective, they can also be harmful to your health, so you should not take them without your doctor's advice. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes, that's another story, but that's a whole different story.
Another absolutely ineffective method is dietary supplements. Their popularity has spread due to advertising, and men are taking them to increase their penis size. The composition of such funds often includes natural ingredients, but even regular use will not achieve the desired results. You can only increase male strength and attractiveness, but not the penis.
There are some folk methods of penis enlargement, and their variety and some silliness is simply amazing. For example, a well-known method is to rub the genitals with soda or salt. Not only is this technique ineffective, it is also very dangerous. These substances can irritate the delicate skin of the penis and cause redness. Furthermore, the process itself is painful. Rubbing with soda and salt will only cause harm and discomfort, and you won't notice any penis enlargement. Iodine will have the same effect - daily lubrication of the penis is recommended.
Botanical effect - enlargement of the penis with the help of herbs. In this case, it is advisable to infuse various herbs - such as hawthorn or hibiscus, to compress, to drink herbal tea. This method has few contraindications, but its effectiveness is questionable. Even if you apply this method regularly, you will not increase the size.
Proper nutrition - If you change your diet and eat certain foods, your penis will start to enlarge. This is also an absolute myth, unproven by science. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals can increase male strength and attractiveness, but not penis size.
There are tons of techniques to enlarge the penis by a few centimeters. Many of them are simply useless and ineffective, or their evidence base is questionable (like soda), some have positive effects, you can increase your penis, but for a short period of time. Medical help can also be sought, but this can be dangerous.
What to do when a man is dissatisfied with his penis? First, you need to learn how to "use" your penis, because for many women size doesn't matter and all grievances are just compound. If you want to try something new, buy several different nozzles, they can give you an unforgettable experience and diversify the sex. Don't trust unproven and poorly known methods, don't take pills or use ointments without your doctor's advice, it's really dangerous!