In order to try to increase the size of the genitals, people resort to all possible methods, including the use of vacuum pumps. The working principle of the device is as follows: Place the penis in a flask and draw air from it. The vacuum formed in the flask stretches the penile tissue in all directions, so a large amount of blood flows into it and it appears to be larger than a normal erection.
If you use the pump before sex, it will achieve the desired effect, but the effect is short-lived: the penis will quickly return to its original state.
Advantages and risks of vacuum pumps

Air pump is used to treat impotence and recover from surgery. When you need to ensure installation, sometimes a pump is needed. But, can you use it to enlarge your penis?
In order for the tissue to start growing, it must be stretched for a long time and regularly. The pump helps pump large amounts of blood into the penis under the pressure of the penis extension. But after 5 to 10 minutes, the negative pressure process begins, which is related to the vacuum on the penis. A large amount of lymph fluid flows into the penis tissue, causing lymphedema of the penis.
The foreskin is particularly swollen, compressing the shaft of the penis and the head and its tissues.
After using the pump, the penis looks bigger, but the erection becomes loose. The skin under the vacuum first turns red and then small bleeding occurs. If you continue to use the pump, the skin of the penis will turn black or even brown due to the continuous rupture of blood vessels.
The above-mentioned damage may occur after using the pump for 15-20 minutes. Of course, this time is not enough to cause the growth of the penis. In addition, frequent use of the pump will not only cause permanent damage and pain, but may also cause serious irreversible consequences for the penis. This is why this method is absolutely ineffective in increasing the size of the penis.
Safety device-hydraulic pump
In order to avoid damage to the penis and other negative effects of vacuum, scientists have developed a water pump, that is, in this device, the delicate skin of the penis does not come into direct contact with the vacuum.

They do not have the disadvantages of air pumps, and at the same time enlarge the penis by increasing blood flow and even creating a "super erection" effect.
Put the penis in the pump in warm water, which will heat the tissues and make them elastic. Therefore, when the pump is used regularly, the size of the penis will increase from the girth.
This device can also work well when used with an extender that extends the length of the penis. Therefore, by combining these two effective techniques, the length and circumference of the penis can be increased.
Expert opinion
Any doctor who treats or does not perform surgery that will cause the patient’s penis to enlarge will not recommend the use of a vacuum pump for this purpose. Only the safety and effectiveness of daily traction (ie stretching the penis tissue) have been scientifically proven. Recent studies have proved that the high efficiency of the extender can both increase the size of the penis and eliminate its curvature.
The extender can stretch the penis for 4-6 hours instead of 10-15 minutes like a pump. After a few weeks, use the extender to make the penis grow noticeably. In addition, the results obtained through tissue growth can last a lifetime.